The following is a prayer invoked by Pastor Robert DiSalvio on September 22, 2001, following the September 11, 2001, World Trade Center terrorist attacks:

“We thank you Father for the beauty of your creation that we see around us. Grass, trees, blue sky and Your loving touch in the kiss of the sun’s warmth on our face. But, dear Father, our hearts are not as peaceful as our bucolic surroundings would suggest. Seventy-five miles from here there is a scar in the ground - A wound so deep and wide it has become a vortex into which our nation’s thoughts, emotions and fears have been drawn.

Read more: A Prayer for America

While we hunker down for the holidays during Covid-19, Brother Scott Affleck of Amwell Church of the Brethren has composed an original piece for your enjoyment. We hope this Holidays you are able to share with family and friends while staying safe. Remember that God did not give us a spirit of fear. 

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The apostle James offers some valuable inspired insight into human nature which, I believe sheds light into what is happening in America in 2020-21.

James 3:13-16; 17,18 — The King's James Version (KJV); He writes:

13 "Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.

14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.

Read more: We are at War

It finally dawned on you, there is something to be said about healthy eating and exercise. So you decided the best route to the exercise piece was to get a bike.

You went to Amazon-- found the bike for you and ordered it. Since you're on Amazon Prime shipping was free and expedited. Three days later a big truck pulled up to your driveway -- Two men proceeded to unload a huge box, which upon your instruction and with your supervision, they deposited in your garage.

Read more: Assembly Required

Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, and let us reason saith the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow, though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool”.

In admonishing Israel for her sin, He extends an amazing three-part olive branch to the people:

• Repent of your sin and I will erase the stain of your sin.
• With that done we can re-establish our relationship.
• Then you and I can talk the situation over.

Read more: CAN WE TALK?

Thoughtful observers of the current state of our nation, regardless of political ideology agree on this point – There is an atmosphere of bitter anger permeating the country. Of course, politicians and partisan pundits blame "the others" of being the angry ones.

What has led to this hostility? I believe the answer is complex-— I believe just about everything in our society has become politicized and polarized: the air we breathe, the climate, our beliefs and traditions, education, news, sports, skin color, gender and national origins.

Read more: Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Your Anger